- Karen Minto (Editor & Founder)
- Karen Minto (neé Reedstrom) is a freelance technical illustrator and former meteorologist. She is also an amateur naturalist, avid reader of biography, history, and classical literature, and an accomplished amateur chef. She founded the Objectivist Club of Michigan newsletter in 1988, which became Full Context in September 1990. Karen has been involved with Objectivism for over 20 years.
- William R. Minto (Associate Editor & FC Site Webmaster)
- Dr. "Rick" Minto holds a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Western Ontario, having completed a thesis entitled Foundations for a Realist Theory of Causality in 1997. Rick has taught philosophy for seven years and has been involved with Objectivism for fourteen. Dr. Minto has presented several lectures on metaphysical subjects to Objectivist audiences, including "The Concept of God," "Parmenides' Last Stand: The Metaphysics of Persistence and Change" and "Causality and Determinism" at IOS Summer Seminars. He teaches the courses Critical Thinking, Foundations of the Free Market System, Minds and Machines, and Ethics in Management for the University of Phoenix, and is a documentation and training specialist for Decision Consultants, Inc., an information technology services company.
- David Oyerly (Circulation Manager)
- David Oyerly is manager of Classic Book Shop, a used book store in north Metro Detroit. He is an avid reader of poetry and history, and has contributed many articles to Full Context, which he co-edited with Karen Minto for several years.

(c) 2000 Full Context